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Department of History of Art


Lent Term 2025


Monday 10 February

Dr Elizabeth Deans( CSCA, University of Cambridge)

Wren, the Louvre, and the work of 1000 Hands


Monday 24 February

Professor Emerita Deborah Howard (University of Cambridge)

The foundation ceremonies of the votive churches of the Redentore and Santa Maria della Salute in Venice


Monday 3 March

Dr Adriano Aymonino (University of Buckingham)

‘No Nation under Heaven so nearly resembles the Ancient Greeks and Romans than We’: Staging the Antique in British Interiors, c. 1715-1770


Easter Term 2025

Monday 12 May

Professor James Campbell (University of Cambridge)


Time of all lectures: From 6pm In person with drinks & online

Location: Old Hall, Queens' College and via Zoom.


To register for in person attendance or to sign up to our newsletter please contact Dr Jana Schuster, by email at

Cambridge Architectural History Seminars, founded in 2019, are organised for the promotion of the study of architectural history, research and debate, and its dissemination to interested postgraduates and professionals. They are organised by Professor James Campbell, Jeremy Musson FSA and Dr Jana Schuster, supported by India Wright, Matt Cooper, Luka Pajovic and Samantha Carrie.