Convenors: Dr Teresa Soley and Dr Saul Nelson.
The History of Art Early Career Research Forum offers ECRs from across the University an opportunity to share their work and receive valuable feedback from their peers. We welcome presentations related to visual and material culture from scholars within 5 years of the receipt of their PhD, as well as doctoral students in the final year of their thesis research. Students and researchers of any level are warmly welcome to attend.
In addition to research talks of 20-40 minutes, presenters may propose sessions in a variety of formats including (but not limited to) project proposals, practice conference papers, or mock job talks. All sessions will be followed by refreshments and discussion.
Please feel free to contact Saul or Teresa with any questions or to sign up to present.
Thursday, 6th February at 5:00pm
Lurking, Feigning, Shining, Declaring: The Life of Gold in the Early Modern English Imagination
Dr Christina Faraday, Research Fellow in History of Art at Gonville and Caius College
Lecture Room 2, Scroope Terrace
Thursday, 27th February at 5:30pm
What if: art and sexual dissent in 21st century Ukraine
Dr Olenka Syaivo Dymtryk, HoA Librarian and Methods Fellow, Cambridge Digital Culture
Lecture Room 1, Scroope Terrace
Thursday, 4th March at 5:30pm
Title: TBC
Lara Pitteloud, University of Neuchâtel
The Classroom, Faculty of Architecture and History of Art
Tuesday, 18th March at 5:00pm
Title: TBC
Dr Kareem Estefan, Assistant Professor of Film and Screen Studies
Seminar Room 2, Scroope Terrace