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Department of History of Art


First name Last name Job titles Email address Office phone
Kerstin Hacker Cambridge Visual Culture Visiting Research Fellow
George Hamilton Slade Professor from 1971-72, Director of the Sterling and Francine Clarke Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass.
Lydia Hamlett Academic Director in History of Art, Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, Fellow and Director of Studies in History of Art at Murray Edwards College
Robert Harrist Slade Professor from 2006-07, Jane and Leopold Swergold Professor of Chinese Art History, Columbia University
T.A (Sandy) Heslop Slade Professor from 1997-98, Lecturer (later Professor) of the History of Art, University of East Anglia
Robert Hillenbrand Slade Professor from 2008-09, Emeritus Professor of Islamic Art, University of Edinburgh
Deborah Howard Professor Emerita of Architectural History (No longer accepting new graduate students from September 2017), Fellow of St John's College 01223 339360