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Department of History of Art


First name Last name Job titles Email address Office phone
Marta Cacho Casal Affiliated Lecturer in the History of Art
James Campbell Senior University Lecturer (Department of Architecture), Fellow of Queens' College, Director of Studies at Queens' College 01223 332970
Frances Cater Postgraduate Administrator 01223 760122
Ian Christie Slade Professor from 2005-06, Anniversary Professor of Film and Media History, Birkbeck College, University of London
Alan Clutton-Brock Slade Professor from 1955-58
Marie Collier
Sidney Colvin
Sidney Colvin Slade Professor from 1873-95, First Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum 1874-84
William Constable Slade Professor from 1935-37, Director of the Courtauld Institute, Curator of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Martin Conway (Lord Conway of Allington) Slade Professor from 1901-4
Rachel Coombes The Graham Robertson Research Fellow at Downing College, Director of Studies at Downing College
Donal Cooper Professor of Italian and Mediterranean Art (on Research leave until Michalemas Term 2025), Fellow of Jesus College, Director of Studies at Jesus College
Richard Cork Slade Professor from 1989-90, Critic and Art Historian
Elizabeth Cropper Slade Professor from 1992-93, Professor of Art History, The Johns Hopkins University
Paul Crossley Slade Professor from 2011-12, Emeritus Professor of the History of Art, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
William Curtis Slade Professor from 2003-04, Architectural Historian, France