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Department of History of Art



Lucia Tantardini was educated in Italy, the US, and the UK. Before her PhD (Cambridge) she worked for three years in the Old Masters Department at Christie’s Milan and London, and for another three years in the Prints and Drawings Department of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her research centres on the art of the Italian Renaissance and Early Modern period, particularly the interrelation between theory and practice in drawing and painting. She is currently working on her monograph on Aurelio Luini and two edited volumes. Dr Tantardini's teaching extends more broadly to European art c. 1400-1800. She is the Part I Convenor and, for Part II, she teaches the Special Subject 'Drawing in Renaissance and Early Modern Italy c. 1450-1600', which is the only academic course devoted the art of drawing worldwide. She has held fellowships from the Università degli Studi di Milano, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice, the Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence, as well as a Research Fellowship at Clare Hall, where she is currently an Official Fellow and Praelector.


- Disegno: theory and practice

- Renaissance and Early Modern Italy, particularly Milan and Florence

- Leonardo and the Leonardeschi

- Lomazzo's art theory

- Caravaggio

- More widely, 1400-1800 European art, art theory, architecture, and history


Key publications: 


L. Tantardini, Aurelio Luini (ca. 1530-1593). The Complete Paintings and Drawings (Rome, Ugo Bozzi, contracted, forthcoming 2021).

L. Tantardini (ed.), Drawing in Renaissance and Early Modern Milan (Routledge, under submission, forthcoming 2022).

L. Tantardini, 'Giovanni Pietro and Evangelista Luini Draughtsmen: a Proposal' in: L. Tantardini (ed.), Drawing in Renaissance and Early Modern Milan (Routledge, under submission, forthcoming 2022).

R. Norris and L. Tantardini (eds.), Grotesque and Caricature: Leonardo to Bernini (Brill, under submission, forthcoming 2022).

L. Tantardini, 'Lomazzo's grotesque heads revisited' in: R. Norris and L. Tantardini (eds.), Grotesque and Caricature: Leonardo to Bernini (Brill, under submission, forthcoming 2022). 


L. Tantardini, Review of Bernardino Luini. Catalogo generale delle opere by Cristina Quattrini, The Burlington Magazine, 163: 1421 (August 2021), pp. 765-66. 

L. Tantardini and R. Norris (eds.), Lomazzo's Aesthetic Principles Reflected in the Art of his Time (Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2020).

L. Tantardini, 'Preface' in: L. Tantardini and R. Norris (eds.), Lomazzo's Aesthetic Principles Reflected in the Art of his Time (Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2020), pp. VII-IX.

L. Tantardini, 'Lomazzo vs. Luini: Comparative Aesthetics' in: L. Tantardini and R. Norris (eds.), Lomazzo's Aesthetic Principles Reflected in the Art of his Time (Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2020), pp. 90-108.

L. Tantardini, 'Titian and Caravaggio in Peterzano', The Burlington Magazine, 162:1407 (June 2020), pp. 529-31.  

P. Baker-Bates, H. Glanville, A. V. Lauder, G. Tagliaferro, L. Tantardini, M. Wivel (eds.), Special issue in honour of Paul Joannides, Artibus et Historiae, no. 74 (XXXVII), 2016.

L. Tantardini, 'Aurelio Luini and Titian', Artibus et Historiae, no. 74 (XXXVII), 2016, pp. 195–205.

L. Tantardini (ed.), Ralph Erskine and the invention of Clare Hall (Cambridge, Clare Hall, 2016). 

A. Alici and L. Tantardini, 'Catalogue of the drawings' in: L. Tantardini (ed.), Ralph Erskine and the invention of Clare Hall (Cambridge, Clare Hall, 2016), pp. 18-31.

L. Tantardini, 'On the Grotesque: Aurelio Luini and Leonardo', in: Storia e Storiografia dell'arte del Rinascimento a Milano e in Lombardia. Atti I Convegno Internazionale, Milan, 9-10 June 2015 (Rome, Bulzoni, 2016), pp. 215-24.

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