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Department of History of Art

Modern and contemporary art; philosophy and art; artistic practice and scientific research


Barry Phipps is a Fellow of Churchill College. He is an Affiliated Lecturer in the Department of the History of Art and Director of Studies at Churchill College, Fitzwilliam College, Hughes Hall and Selwyn College. Barry specialises in modern and contemporary art in relation to science and technology. He has a secondary research interest in the relationship between art and diplomacy.

His academic background is rooted in Fine Art as an undergraduate and lecturer, with research degrees in Continental Philosophy (Warwick), History of Art (Oxford) and the History and Philosophy of Architecture (Cambridge). Barry was the first Interdisciplinary Fellow at Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, where he conceived and organised a number of multi-disciplinary exhibitions, including Lines of Enquiry: Thinking Through Drawing and Beyond Measure: Conversations across Art and Science. He continues to curate shows by leading artists across galleries, museums and science institutions, for example,

'Intersections: Henry Moore and Stringed Figures' at the Science Museum and Royal Society, London. He has also developed international artist associate schemes, bringing artists and scientists together to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects.

Barry is Curator of Art and Science at the Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Director of Visual Art at the Møller Institute and Curator of Works of Art at Churchill College. He continues to write and lecture on modern and contemporary visual culture, and is currently working on a major architectural project with Assemble who won the Turner Prize in 2015.

Fellow and Curator of the Collections, Churchill College
Director of Studies in the History of Art at Churchill, Hughes Hall, Fitzwilliam and Selwyn Colleges
 Barry   Phipps
